
Demand Better with
Joule Case Energy Services

You deserve more than just energy solutions—you deserve better. Joule Case is your partner committed to delivering unmatched reliability, tailored solutions, and pioneering technology designed to meet your unique needs.

Scalable from 170kWh to 5MWh+
Contact Leasing
Reach out to our Leasing Experts to start on the path to better.

Reliable Energy, Everywhere it Matters.

Demand Better with Joule Case Energy Services

Today, change is fast and how you respond is more impactful than ever. At the center of this world in motion? Reliable energy. Whether you're in the heart of a bustling city or the most corner of the earth, the need for consistent, unwavering energy continues to grow.


Leasing with Joule Case

Ultimate Flexibility for Power Solutions

In today's ever-evolving landscape, flexibility is more than just an advantage it's a necessity. We understand that businesses, communities, and organizations have fluctuating needs and require power solutions that can shift as swiftly as they do.

So, why does flexibility matter?

Reduced Risks


Not locked into owning equipment that might soon be outdated. Leasing gives you the freedom to adapt to the latest innovations.

Adaptable Budgeting


Leasing allows you to efficiently manage your financial resources, adapting to budget constraints or expansions. No need for hefty, constraining upfront investments.

Scalable solutions


As your energy requirements grow or change, leasing ensures you can upscale or downscale with minimal friction.

Latest Technology


With leasing, you're always equipped with the latest in energy technology, keeping you ahead of the curve without constant capital expenditures.

Optimized Operations


React quickly to market or environmental changes, ensuring that operations are never hampered by rigid energy solutions.

Lease with Joule Case and embrace the flexibility that not only supports but launches your organization forward.

Large Generator Replacement & Power Backup

Joule Case Energy Services helps you electrify at a fraction of the speed. Clean, reliable power built for the most demanding of environments.

Fleet EV Charging

Scale power without infrastructure. Joule Case Energy Services provides a flexible platform and service model that can unlock the potential of your electric fleet.

Utility & Microgrid

Decentralization is the key to harnessing renewable energy generation. Joule Case Energy Services helps you build resilience where you need it.

A military helicopter and vehicle transporting Joule Case Atlas energy storage modules.

Mission-Critical & Defense

With swappable, portable, and expandable systems, Joule Case Energy Services provides unmatched uninterrupted operational continuity. Deploy maximum performance without the complications of generators.

Live Events

No Fumes. No Noise. No Limits. Joule Case Energy Services provides clean, reliable power that adapts to your event's needs—from backstage to main stage.

Demand Better


Adapt to evolving energy needs with modular, chainable options. Leasing options enable you to minimize risk, validate use cases and scale without a large CapEx investment. Portability allows for quick deployment in any location, ensuring power availability when you need it.


Control your own timeline by eliminating red tape and competing priorities. Minimize risk and accelerate deployment by leasing grid-independent energy storage. Adapt to temporary or longer-term energy needs with portable, modular options.

Cost Planning

Leasing a battery system gives you predictable costs, future-proofs your investment, and reduces your risk. Achieve predictable energy costs to help forecasting and optimizing your budget for the long term. Future-proof your investment with the ability to upgrade to newer battery technologies and chemistries in a rapidly evolving energy landscape.


Fortify your operations against growing grid reliability challenges and severe weather events with resilient energy storage. Portability allows for quick deployment and resiliency in remote or grid-challenged areas. Integration with renewable energy expands power independence and minimizes carbon footprint.


Eliminate the fumes and noise of a gas generator from your customer / attendee experience. Improve efficiency in setup, in-event maintenance and breakdown efforts by eliminating gas generators. Minimize maintenance costs and big investments with a lease or lease-to-buy approach.


Battery Module (DCFC Ready)

Atlas provides the energy on demand needed for massive EV fleet charging, supports Zeus with endless energy, and enables a fast, seamless transition to renewable energy.

Atlas is a future-proof energy source and EV charging system complete with DC/DC bidirectional converters. No matter the renewable energy source or power requirement, Atlas can handle it. The onboard DC converters allow a single Atlas to immediately provide Level 3 DC Fast Charging for multiple vehicles with little to no infrastructure installed on site.

Multiple Atlas units can be combined together and provide Megawatt scale DC Fast Charging for heavy-duty vehicles delivering power that our grid cannot supply today to electrify metro fleet vehicles and long haul trucking power.


Energy Storage and Inverter System

Zeus is the answer to replacing the largest diesel generators used in heavy industry or temporary sites like music festivals.

An epic energy storage and inverter system, Zeus provides massive grid-scale power—delivered wherever it is needed, from remote worksites, to local utility substations, and powering the largest events and festivals on the planet.

In minutes, power equivalent to a substation can be placed at a site, connected, and endlessly supplied with swappable Atlas battery modules.

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Resources & Insights

Ready to Take Control of Your Energy?

Explore the possibilities that Joule Case Energy Services can unlock for your organization. With flexible options tailored to your needs, our leasing experts are here to guide you to the perfect energy solution.

Contact a Leasing Expert Now! Your journey to better starts here.

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Knowledge is power ⚡️

We want to share the latest innovations and news with you.


in reach

Joule Case is your partner committed to delivering unmatched reliability, tailored solutions, and pioneering technology that unlocks electrification wherever you need it.

Scalable from 170kWh to 5MWh+
Start Today
Connect with an expert
to schedule a consultation.

Mobile Energy Storage Systems

Reliable Energy—Everywhere it Matters.

Joule Case is transforming the landscape of distributed energy resources (DERs), providing, scalable, clean, and reliable portable power solutions designed to support the rapid electrification and deployment of energy resources across wherever they're needed.

Lease with Joule Case and embrace the flexibility that not only supports but propels your organization forward.

Large Generator Replacement & Power Backup

Joule Case Energy Services helps you electrify at a fraction of the speed. Clean, reliable power built for the most demanding of environments.

Fleet EV Charging

Scale power without infrastructure. Joule Case Energy Services provides a flexible platform and service model that can unlock the potential of your electric fleet.

Utility & Microgrid

Decentralization is the key to harnessing renewable energy generation. Joule Case Energy Services helps you build resilience where you need it.

A military helicopter and vehicle transporting Joule Case Atlas energy storage modules.

Mission-Critical & Defense

With swappable, portable, and expandable systems, Joule Case Energy Services provides unmatched uninterrupted operational continuity. Deploy maximum performance without the complications of generators.

Live Events

No Fumes. No Noise. No Limits. Joule Case Energy Services provides clean, reliable power that adapts to your event's needs—from backstage to main stage.

Knowledge is power ⚡️

We want to share the latest innovations and news with you.